
Showing posts from January, 2019

Computer Newtork

The tcp / ip model • The TCP/IP suite is the most common used protocol suite in the networking world • It is essentially the protocol suite in which the internet was built • It is the standard for computer networking • It is based on a 4-layer model that is similar to the OSI Model Tcp / ip model and suite of protocols Mac addresses • Media Access Control (MAC) • Physical address of the network adapter card • OSI layer 2 (Data Link) layer address • TPC/IP network interface layer address • Six bytes (48 bits), usually represented hexadecimal • First three bytes (24 bits) are assigned by the IEEE to the manufactured • OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) assigned by IEEE ex: dell, hp • Last three bytes are usually assigned sequentially • Allow for uniqueness duplications are rare • 00-24-1D-7C-8D-7C Determining your mac address Ip v 4 addresses • Internet protocol version 4 (Logical Address u can setting or chan...

Computer Newtork

Network Protocol • Computers commutate with each other with network protocols • Protocols are rules governing how machines exchange data and enable effective communication • Ex • When you call somebody, pickup the phone ensure there is a dial tone, and if there is then dial the number • When driving your car follow obey the rules of the road • Physical protocol : describes the medium (wiring), the connections (RJ-45 port), and the signal (voltage level on a wire) • Logical protocol : software controlling how and when data is sent and received to computers supporting physical protocols • Example common TCP/IP suite of protocol          • Web Communication : HTTP, HTTPS          • E-mail : POP3, SMPT, IMAP          • File Transfer : FTP The osi model • OSI (Open System Interconnection) reference model         • A conceptual framework showing us how data moves th...