Computer Newtork
The tcp/ip model
•The TCP/IP suite is the most common
used protocol suite in the networking world
•It is essentially the protocol
suite in which the internet was built
•It is the standard for computer
•It is based on a 4-layer model that
is similar to the OSI Model
Tcp/ip model and suite of protocols
Mac addresses
•Media Access Control (MAC)
address of the network adapter card
layer 2 (Data Link) layer address
network interface layer address
•Six bytes (48 bits), usually
represented hexadecimal
three bytes (24 bits) are assigned by the IEEE to the manufactured
(Organizationally Unique Identifier) assigned by IEEE ex: dell, hp
three bytes are usually assigned sequentially
for uniqueness duplications are rare
Determining your mac address
Ipv4 addresses
•Internet protocol version 4
(Logical Address u can setting or change)
layer 3 (network) address
Determining your ip address
Comparing ip & mac addresses
•Ip addresses
•Network (OSI layer 3) addresses
•Logical addresses
•Allows network to network
communication via routers (Distant WAN commutation) (tlp
•Dotted decimal notation
Link (OSI Layer 2) addresses
burned on NIC
internetwork communication via hubs switches, and router (Local LAN
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