Computer Newtork

Network Protocol

Computers commutate with each other with network protocols
Protocols are rules governing how machines exchange data and enable effective communication
When you call somebody, pickup the phone ensure there is a dial tone, and if there is then dial the number
When driving your car follow obey the rules of the road
Physical protocol : describes the medium (wiring), the connections (RJ-45 port), and the signal (voltage level on a wire)
Logical protocol : software controlling how and when data is sent and received to computers supporting physical protocols
Example common TCP/IP suite of protocol
         •Web Communication : HTTP, HTTPS
         •E-mail : POP3, SMPT, IMAP
         •File Transfer : FTP
The osi model

OSI (Open System Interconnection) reference model
        •A conceptual framework showing us how data moves throughout a network.
                   Why was it developed?
Created to give us a guide to under how network operate
It is only a reference model, so don’t get wrapped up in the details.
It is not implemented in the real world, TCP/IP is.
The osi model stack
It’s divide into 7 layer
Upper layers (host layers)
Handled by the host computer and perform application-specific functions.
data formatting
connection management.
Lower layer (media layers)
           •Provide network-specific functions
                   •Flow control
The osi model visualized

OSI Comunication

Osi model benefits
Reduces Complexity
It breaks network communication into smaller, simpler parts
Standardizes Interface
It standardizes network components to allow multiple vendor development and support
Facilitates Modular Engineering
It allows different types of network hardware and software to communicate with one another
Ensures Interoperable Technology
Prevents changes in one layer from affecting the other layer, allowing quicker development
Accelerates Evolution
Provides for effective update and improvements to individual components without affecting other components or having to rewrite the entire prototcol
